Wednesday, January 12, 2011

100 Days, 100 Films

I am on a journey; a journey not only of sight and sound, but of mind....

Nah, that stinks.

Here's the deal. I am on something of a quest of cinematic discovery. Every time I get into a conversation about movies with someone, they always bring up something I've never seen before. I can't tell you how many times I've had "I can't believe you've never seen (insert movie here)!" screamed at me. So in order to rectify that, I'm going to watch 100 movies in 100 days and relay my thoughts about them right here.

There is only one rule: I cannot have ever seen the movie in its entirety before. If I've seen bits and pieces of it, that doesn't count as "having seen it." I've got to watch it from start to finish.

They will not all be good films. They will not all be classics. They may be so obscure that the only other person who has seen it was the director. Then again, it may be a film that everyone has seen but me. Variety will be the spice of life here.

There's really no reason for it, other than I think it'll be fun, educational and entertaining. And who knows, you and I may find new favorite movies during the next 100 days.

So here we go.

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